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White Edge, Froggatt Edge & Curbar Edge from Curbar Gap

White Edge, Froggatt Edge & Curbar Edge from Curbar Gap


Curbar Gap car park which is marked on all maps and is at SK 262 747. It is due east of Curbar village and almost due north of Baslow. The easiest way to it is from the A621 road from Baslow to Sheffield. This is a pay and display car park but free to National Trust members. It can soon fill up at busy times.


8 km     About 3 hours


White Edge trig point, 365 m, SK 264 768.

Froggatt Edge, c 300 m, ridge.

Curbar Edge, c 340 m, ridge.     OS Outdoor Leisure 24: White Peak


This is a very pleasant shortish walk which takes in three ridges of which two, Froggatt and Curbar are classic climbing edges.. There are fine views in all directions including Winn Hill and the Losehill to Mam Tor ridge. The going is generally good although there are some wet spots and some paths are quite stony. The wettest spot seems to be on the descent from White Edge, along a wall at first, towards the Grouse Inn on the A625.


(1) From the car park – no need to go on to the road – and look for a gate at its eastern end (top right). Go through this and follow a path heading roughly NE. Do not be tempted to follow a wide grassy track which soon heads N. The path soon runs alongside a wall, at the top of which is a sign pointing left for White Edge. Follow the obvious path, roughly NNW. In clearish weather, the white trig point will soon be spotted which can be reached by a small diversion path to the right, NE. Return to the main path afterwards. Continue along White Edge. Further on, a cluster of stones lie to the right of the path and these are easily reached by a small diversion although paths are faint. Return to the main path afterwards and continue roughly N. A broken wall is next reached which descends downhill to the left heading towards the A625 near the Grouse Inn.

(2) Follow the wall then path down to the road passing through a small wood. When open fields are reached, not far from the road, the ground may be very wet and sodden necessitating significant detours to avoid wet feet. Follow the road, very busy in summer, left to pass the Grouse Inn. Stay on the left of the road is possible but conditions and traffic may mean crossing over. After a right angled bend and before a left angled one, take the path for Froggatt Edge which ascends slightly to begin with before following the edge (on your right). Follow the distinctive track along the top of the edge. In places one can leave the track and get closer to the edge where there are some interesting rock shapes. The track continues seamlessly on to Curbar Edge before eventually reaching the Curbar Gap car park. On both edges there are paths down through the rocks for those who wish to explore and look up to the rocks.


(a) This walk took place in November, 2023, but has been walked many times previously as part of longer routes.

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